Knowledge & technology transfer

Actively transferring research findings and academic expertise to the sphere of practical application is highly valued at TU Clausthal – not only because of our statutory duty to share knowledge and transfer technology but also, indeed chiefly, because of the university’s understanding of its own role in society. The results of the research conducted at TU Clausthal and the knowledge associated with it are among the university’s key assets, which it uses to achieve the greatest possible benefit to society. At the same time, the university profits by the process of exchange with business and society to ensure that its research, degree programs, and teaching are kept relevant, up to date, and focused on real-world applicability.

University-Business Cooperation

University-Business Cooperation

Is your business looking for contacts in research, or are you a researcher seeking a collaborative partner in the private sector? Our Advisory Service will put you in touch with the right people.

Business Start-ups

Business Start-ups

You have an idea for a business and want to strike out on your own? TU Clausthal’s Start-up Service can give you information, advice, and support on all aspects of setting up your business.

Inventions and Patents

Inventions and Patents

Is my idea an invention? What do I need to bear in mind? What is the point of a patent? TU Clausthal’s Inventions and Patents Management Service will be glad to answer these questions and any others you may have.

Transfer Strategy of TU Clausthal

Transfer Strategy of TU Clausthal

Goals and principles of knowledge and technology transfer at TU Clausthal