Study programs

Business Administration (Bachelor)

Business Administration (Bachelor)

The study of business administration is concerned with describing, explaining, and supporting decision-making processes in commercial enterprises.

Chemistry (Bachelor)

Chemistry (Bachelor)

The world today is full of chemistry. As essential chemicals, polymers, or medicines, in innovative energy storage or the latest nanomaterials – chemistry is everywhere.

Digital Technologies (Bachelor)

Digital Technologies (Bachelor)

Das Bachelorstudium beschäftigt sich mit digitalen Technologien von morgen. Es kombiniert die Fächer der Informatik, einem individuellen Anwendungsgebiet und Projekten zur Digitalisierung.

Digital Management (Bachelor)

Digital Management (Bachelor)

Der Studiengang Digitales Management führt im Rahmen eines betriebswirtschaftlichen Studiengangs an die global vernetzte digitale Arbeitswelt heran.

Electrical Engineering (Bachelor)

Electrical Engineering (Bachelor)

Electrical engineering is one of the most important sectors of the German economy. It encompasses the classic fields of energy supply, automation technology, telecommunications, and circuitry.

Geo-Energy Systems (Bachelor)

Geo-Energy Systems (Bachelor)

Products made from primarily extracted or recycled raw materials are used every day. Raw materials are therefore an indispensable basis for our everyday lives.

Sustainable Energy Technologies and Systems (Bachelor)

Sustainable Energy Technologies and Systems (Bachelor)

Humanity is facing a major challenge to its energy supply: In order to protect the climate, all of the fossil fuels in current usage need to be replaced by renewable energy sources.

Sustainable Raw Material Production and Recycling (Bachelor)

Sustainable Raw Material Production and Recycling (Bachelor)

Raw materials - essential for Germany as a competitive future business location Products made of primary or recycled raw materials are used every day.

Sports Engineering *

Sports Engineering *

Sports engineers are able to use specific material properties in combination with measurement and diagnosis methods, tailoring them specifically for applications in competitive sports as well as recreational, preventative, and rehabilitative exercise.

Process Engineering / Chemical Engineering (Bachelor)

Process Engineering / Chemical Engineering (Bachelor)

Process engineering and chemical engineering are concerned with all aspects of the conversion of materials and energy.

Business Chemistry * (Bachelor)

Business Chemistry * (Bachelor)

Business chemistry students at TU Clausthal acquire broad knowledge and develop competences in various fields.

Business and Engineering (Bachelor)

Business and Engineering (Bachelor)

This degree program produces specialists for all those areas where business administration and engineering overlap.

Industrial/Applied Mathematics (Bachelor)

Industrial/Applied Mathematics (Bachelor)

Mathematical methods are used in almost all areas of our society, e.g. for planning, simulation and control in production or traffic.

Chemistry (Master)

Chemistry (Master)

In line with TU Clausthal’s profile, our master’s program in chemistry is focused less on fundamental research as such and more on materials and processes.

Digital Technologies (Master)

Digital Technologies (Master)

This interdisciplinary degree program includes the subjects of computer science, a selectable application area as well as various digitization projects in equal parts.

Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (Master)

Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (Master)

Information technology is among Germany’s vital economic sectors, covering modern disciplines of electrical engineering like automation technology, telecommunications and microelectronics.

Power Systems Engineering (Master)

Power Systems Engineering (Master)

Studying power systems engineering opens up a broad range of fields of work throughout the energy system.

Computer science * (Master)

Computer science * (Master)

Become an expert in current topics in computer science, such as artificial intelligence, human-computer interaction, energy informatics, computer graphics, big data, and hardware and software engineering.

Mining Engineering (Master)

Mining Engineering (Master)

Our Mining Engineering students will be trained in a diversity of fields regarding the raw material production.

Petroleum Engineering (Master)

Petroleum Engineering (Master)

Even in this era of transformation for climate protection and the energy system, the fossil fuels oil and natural gas remain an essential pillar of our society.

Technical Management (Master)

Technical Management (Master)

Decision-making in management often involves close interrelationships between business issues and matters of engineering.

Environmental Process Engineering and Recycling (Master)

Environmental Process Engineering and Recycling (Master)

How we deal with garbage, waste water, and emissions, taking into account technological, economic, and social issues, is what this degree program is all about.

Process Engineering/Chemical Engineering * (Master)

Process Engineering/Chemical Engineering * (Master)

The master’s program imparts the more in-depth expertise that is required for positions of responsibility, particularly in research and development.

Business Information Systems * (Master)

Business Information Systems * (Master)

The digitalization of our society could not be more topical, concerning everything from digital factories, to sustainable mobility, to digital aspects of the shift to greener energy.

Business and Engineering (Master)

Business and Engineering (Master)

Students are introduced to state-of-the-art research areas in the three focuses they can choose from: production and processes, management of energy and mineral resources, and materials engineering.