Energy crisis

Due to the current energy crisis and the associated enormous cost increases, especially for gas and electricity, as well as against the background of a possible energy shortage and the already strained budget situation, we have to take short-term measures to save energy at the TU Clausthal.

In the case of electricity, we anticipate a doubling and in the case of heat, a tripling of the costs that the university will have to bear from its own budget.

The following measures are effective immediately at TU Clausthal:

  • Offices

    • Offices may only be heated to a maximum of 19 degrees.
    • At the end of the working day, the temperature should be reduced to 16 degrees.
    • During longer absences (e.g. home office, vacation) the room temperature should be set to 14-15 degrees .
    • The Information sheet radiator thermostats gives you further information on the correct setting on the thermostats.


    Meeting rooms

    • Service meetings should be switched to video conferencing solutions where possible.
    • Meeting rooms that are unused for a longer period of time can thus be regulated down to 14-15 degrees.


    Corridors, stairwells, foyers, technical and storage rooms

    • Set temperature to 14 degrees.


    Proper ventilation

    • If the room is used for a longer period of time, it must still be ventilated regularly to prevent the formation of mold.
    • In winter, about 5 minutes with the window wide open is sufficient.
    • Before airing the room: Turn off the heating!
    • After the airing: Turn on the heating again!


    Please inform yourself also in the lower area about "further energy saving tips".

  • Merging

    • Offices are to be merged where possible in consultation with the supervisor. The home office arrangement also makes it possible to share a desk on alternate days. Thus, some rooms could be "shut down" and the temperature regulated down to 14-15 degrees for a longer period of time.


    Duty meetings

    • Preferably hold meetings online and regulate unused meeting rooms down to 14-15 degrees.


    Adapt room size to the number of participants

    • Where face-to-face meetings are absolutely necessary, adjust the room size to the number of participants. Always choose the smallest possible room (taking into account the corona situation).



    • An extended winter break is scheduled for the auditorium from 12/17/22 - 01/25/23. No events can be held in the auditorium during this time.
  • Hot water must be turned off wherever it is intended only for washing hands (e.g. offices, sanitary areas), that is:

    • Decentralized instantaneous water heaters / hot water boilers: are completely disconnected from the power supply (pull the plug!).
    • Central boilers: are regulated down or taken out of operation, as far as a health risk due to legionella can be excluded.
  • Prohibition

    • The operation of electric fan heaters, electric blankets, etc. is prohibited!


    Exterior lighting of buildings

    • The exterior lighting of buildings must be switched off unless it is intended for security or emergency lighting.
    • The building lighting of the main building of Adolph-Roemer-Str. has already been switched off.


    Lighting in general

    • Review the timing of corridor lighting (if any) and optimize if necessary.
    • Turn off central LED info boards if possible and replace with other info.
    • Turn off lights when leaving the room.
    • Turn off lights as soon as sufficient daylight is available.


    PC pools

    • Computers in the PC pools, which are centrally managed by the RZ, are shut down centrally at night.


    Please refer to the section below for more energy saving tips.

    • Recirculating air cooling / room temperature

      • In rooms with recirculating air cooling: Adjust temperatures in summer, e.g. 23-24 °C
      • Run cooling water only if necessary - pay attention to circulation
      • Close or switch off sashes or digesters / fume hoods in laboratories.


      Energy-intensive devices

      (e.g. cooling and heating units, vacuum systems, ultra-low temperature coolers, ventilation units and systems, drying cabinets, ovens, etc.)

      • only switch on when absolutely necessary
      • Defrost freezers regularly, if possible only operate at -18°C
      • operate ultra freezers at -70°C if possible
      • check optimal installation (removal of waste heat)
      • pay attention to economical devices when purchasing


      Compressed air

      • The factory setting of 10 bar is generally not required. It is planned to regulate the compressed air down to 7 bar. Further information will follow from Department 4.
    • The use of some lecture halls that are particularly unfavorable in terms of energy is restricted.


    Energy saving tips

    In addition, you can help save energy by following other rules of conduct:

      • Pay attention to the correct thermostat setting: Lowering the temperature just one degree can save 6% in heating energy. To heat the rooms to 19 degrees, set the thermostat one dash to the left of level 3. It will not warm up faster if you set a higher level!
      • The information sheet Radiator Thermostatsgives you more detailed information on the correct setting on the thermostats.
      • Keepdoors closed between rooms with different temperatures
      • Arrange for heater check: if there are gurgling noises from the heater or if the radiator is not getting warm evenly: Place work order on Dec. 4
      • Keep radiators clear: Radiators must not be obstructed by paneling / furniture / curtains. Ensure sufficient air circulation between furniture and critical (cold!) walls by leaving a gap of at least 5-10cm.
    • Shock ventilation

      • Ventilate 3 to 4 times a day.
      • To do this, first turn off the heating thermostats and open the window completely.
      • Even more effective is cross-ventilation, in which opposite windows/doors are also opened to create a draught.
      • Then close the windows and turn the heating back on.
      • In winter, 5-10 minutes are sufficient (max. 5 minutes in sub-zero temperatures).
    • PCs, monitors, printers

      • Use standbymode instead of screen sa ver: Screen savers on the PC prevent the standby mode. Therefore use the screen saver only for a short time (e.g. switch on after 3 minutes) and then use the standby mode on the PC (recommendation: switch on the standby mode after 10 minutes).
      • Switch off office devices after work or longer periods of non-use / shut down computers, because even in standby mode the devices consume energy!
      • Devices with lead times such as calculators and copiers or devices that are needed permanently should be operated in energy-saving mode.
      • Operate and procure only those devices that are really needed.


      Refrigerators / cooling devices

      • Turn off unused or barely used refrigerators. Perhaps you could do without the refrigerator altogether in the winter?
      • Consolidate refrigerators so that multiple offices use one refrigerator. Put unused refrigerators on display.
      • Ideally place in a cool room, not exposed to direct sunlight.
      • Do not place next to radiators or other heat sources.
      • Ensure unobstructed air circulation.
      • Clean the back of the cooling units regularly (have them cleaned).
      • Procure energy-saving appliances.



      • Switch off lights when leaving the room.
      • Switch off lights as soon as there is sufficient daylight.
      • Check at closing time that lights are turned off everywhere.


      Electronic devices in general

      • Operate and procure only those devices that are really needed.
      • Devices with lead times such as computers, copiers or devices that are needed permanently should be operated in energy-saving mode.

    In addition, ways are to be found in the medium term to permanently reduce the TUC's energy costs - in line with the goal of a sustainable "Green University".