Recognition abroad

  • Before studying at the TU Clausthal

    If you have previously studied at anotheruniversity/college abroadand find that events coincide with module examinations that you are required to take at ClausthalUniversity ofTechnology (in accordance with the applicable program-specific implementation regulations), you must do the following:

    1. first make an appointment with the study subject advisor responsible for you. You can find your subject advisor on the page of your studyprogram.

    What documents are required:

    - Zeugnis, Transcript of Records or Leistungsübersicht - officially translated intoGerman or English (Here, the scope of the courses, i.e. SWS, Leistungspunkte or Credit Points must be recognizable). - Excerpts from the module handbook forallmodules to be recognized (in addition, if necessary, also lecture notes, recordings, etc.) -Application for recognition of achievements - already filled out by you - Form Statement for the subject lecturer(s) with your supplemented student data.

    How does the interview proceed:

    The responsible subject advisor will clarify with you for which module (sub)examinations, if any, recognition is possible (for WPF modules, use this form if necessary) and will

    - issue a corresponding statement for modules that lie within his/her area of responsibility (this will be sent directly to the examination office) and - inform you whom you can contact about other equivalent modules, if applicable.

    2. contact other subject lecturers if necessary (this may be possible by e-mail).

    What documents are needed for this?

    - The same documents as above, but here the module description for theindividual module to be recognized by the respective specialist lecturer is sufficient - please also send the formStatement for the specialist lecturer(s) with your supplemented student data.

    What do the lecturers have to do?

    - check the acquired competences of the respective courses for essential differences and after completion of the examination - send the corresponding statement to the examination office.

    3. as soon as you have contacted all subject lecturers, submit your documents inprinted format the examination office of the TU Clausthal!

    Which documents are needed for this:

    - All necessary documents are listed on page 2 of theapplication form. Before sending them, they should be carefully checked for completeness. - In particular, we would like to point out thenecessity of official translations and certified copies! - In addition, please also submit thesurvey form of the period abroad! - If you have already studied in the same program, please also submit a certificate of examination eligibility (in German: Unbedenklichkeitsbescheinigung) if possible!

    Please understand that we only process applications that arecomplete and inprinted form!

    Important information on recognition can also be found on the respective application form. Please read this carefully, as some questions can be clarified in advance.

    As soon as your application has been processed, you will receive a corresponding notification.

    Please understand that we are unable to issue confirmations of receipt for individual statements by the specialist lecturers and that recognition takes some time. We will check from time to time whether all statements of the lecturers for the modules you have applied for have been received and will make every effort to process your application as quickly as possible.

    If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact the person in charge of your study program.

  • During the studies at the TU Clausthal

    If you have completeda semester abroadduring your studies at the TU Clausthal within the framework of a program (partner university, cooperation, Erasmus, etc.), the following must be done:

    1. provided you have coordinated everything in advance with the Student Advisory Service and the International Center, submit your documents to the Examination Office of the TU Clausthal!

    Which documents have to be submitted:

    -Application form and -Survey form of the period abroad - Learning Agreement and, if necessary, amended versions - Transcript of Records of the partner university 2. If you have not agreed on recognition in advance, please first contact your responsible departmental advisor.

    Please understand that we only process applications that arecomplete and inprinted form!

    Important information on recognition can also be found on the respective application form. Please read this carefully, as some questions can be clarified in advance.

    As soon as your application has been processed, you will receive a corresponding notification.

    We will make every effort to process your application as quickly as possible.

    If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact the person responsible for your study program.