Job and internship exchange for students of the TU Clausthal

An offer of the Clausthal University of Technology in cooperation with JobTeaser

JobTeaser is an external provider that cooperates with the Clausthal University of Technology. By registering with JobTeaser, you enter into a free contractual relationship with the provider.

In the job market of the Clausthal University of Technology, students can find jobs related to their studies, internships in Germany and abroad, Bachelor's or Master's thesis topics as well as graduate positions. Since new job advertisements are constantly being posted, it is worth taking a look regularly.


For students, graduates and alumni

The use is only possible with the e-mail address of the TU Clausthal.


For companies, institutions and organizations:

Note: Please register a company account either for the publication of job offers only, or for the additional publication of your company profile, events and news and articles. Registration is done via an email address and is a guided process with just a few clicks. Incoming content is checked for seriousness and approved by the TU Clausthal.