Business Chemistry * (Bachelor)

The study program commences with winter semester 21/22

Many of today’s industrial, technological and economical challenges can only be tackled internationally by connecting natural sciences and (business) economics. Thus, business chemistry links chemistry and business administration. The interlinking of these two fields optimally equips graduates for leadership positions in the chemical, pharmaceutical or food industry, plastics or metal processing, the automotive industry, engineering or recycling. Business chemistry students at TU Clausthal acquire broad knowledge and develop competences in various fields, ranging from synthesis and analysis with large-scale equipment over business administration and marketing to technical English to foster an international career.


Occupational Profile and Career Opportunities

Business chemistry is a flourishing scientific field. Our graduates have numerous perspectives. In Lower Saxony 24,000 people are employed in the chemical industry, making it the fourth-largest industry sector. Graduates are optimally prepared to work in quality, science and product management, in research and development, in marketing, distribution and production, or in strategy consulting. With the Bachelor of Science in Business Chemistry, recognized throughout Europe, you are best-suited to take up the Business Chemistry master program at TU Clausthal (from WS 2024/2025), the Chemistry master program at TU Clausthal with its focus areas “Applied Chemistry“ and “Polymer Chemistry“, or the Technical Management master program with the diverse focus areas “Manufacturing”, “Energy Management“, “ Sustainability and Life-Cycle Management“ or “Digital Management“.

  • Management
  • Research
  • Development
  • Chemical industry
  • Production
  • Controlling
  • Pharmaceutical industry
  • Plastics industry
  • Technical chemistry
  • Product management

The Characteristics of the Clausthal Study Program

The study program Business Chemistry is an innovative practice-oriented study program in which students gain laboratory experience as well as industry insights.  The program stands out due to our excellent student-to-faculty ratio: professors, assistants and student tutors are happy to support your learning progress. Extensive guidance and flexibility also enable students to combine this program with special circumstances, e.g. parenting, nursing or work. This program can also be studied part-time. As international scientific language, English is an integral part of our study program. Learning by doing will make your progress easy and smooth. Tests in the chemical subjects can be taken in English or German.

Structure of the Program

At the beginning of the modular study program you are taught the fundamentals of mathematics, physics, general chemistry, business administration, economics and accounting. Subsequently, you will develop technical chemistry knowledge in inorganic, analytic, organic, physical and technical chemistry as well as electrochemistry by completing lectures, exercises and seminars and deepen this knowledge in industry placements. International business chemistry, business research, macroeconomics, investment and financing, marketing and operations management form your managerial competences. You can choose electives from three blocks, e.g. biochemistry and macromolecular chemistry, controlling, market research, decision theory, microeconomics, international skills or computer science.

  • Mathematics and physics
  • General and inorganic chemistry
  • Analytical chemistry
  • Management accounting
  • Business administration
  • Electrochemistry
  • International business chemistry
  • Investment and financing
  • Macroeconomics
  • Organic chemistry
  • Staff and management organization
  • Physical chemistry
  • Operations management
  • Technical chemistry
  • Business research
  • Economics
  • Business English
  • Specialized elective module (e.g. biochemistry, macromolecular chemistry, controlling, market research, decision theory, microeconomics, international skills, organic synthesis methods for business chemistry, computer science tools)
  • Bachelor thesis (3 months)

Part-time study

The Bachelor's degree program in Business Chemistry can also be studied on a part-time basis. Further details on the requirements, structure and legal consequences of part-time studies are regulated by the"Regulations for Part-time Studies (TzO)" of Clausthal University of Technology in the currently valid version.

Before applying for and taking up part-time studies, a counseling interview with the responsible part-time study coordinator is obligatory. During this counseling interview, the part-time study coordinator agrees on an individual study plan (learning agreement) for the part-time study in consultation with the student.

The form for applying for part-time study (incl. Learning Agreement) can be found here:

Program advisors

apl. Prof. Dr. Jörg Adams
Phone: +49 5323 72-3171
Fax: +49 5323 72-2863
Institute of Physical Chemistry
Arnold-Sommerfeld-Straße 4
38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld


Program supervisor

Prof. Dr. Andreas Schmidt
Phone: +49 5323 72 - 3861
Institute of Organic Chemistry
Leibnizstraße 6
38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld

Program outline

Type of program: Bachelor
Duration: 6 Semester
Language of teaching: German
Degree: Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
Prerequisites: University admission requirements
Start date: Winter semester (recommended). If you wish to start studying in the summer semester, we recommend taking our program.
Accreditation: Urkunde ASIIN

Study start

Steiger College Your best start into your studies with an extended study entrance phase

Welcome-Week - TUCStart Orientation weeks before the start of your studies with preliminary courses

Other programs that may interest you

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Follow-on Master's programs

Energy and Materials Physics