Geo-Energy Systems (Bachelor)

The energy transition can only be realized if we learn to use all of our earth's resources responsibly. For the long-term transformation, from a linear to a circular and also efficient use of our scarce resources, engineers with geological expertise are needed: They develop new and more efficient processes, improve existing processes, and introduce innovative technologies, such as the use of hydrogen and geothermal energy. In the Geo-Energy Systems degree program, you will learn to specifically use digital tools to describe processes in the geosubsoil and develop novel solutions.


Job profile and labor market

Graduates are offered a broad field of activity in the area of energy supply with natural gas, hydrogen and geothermal energy. The focus of the Geo-Energy Systems degree program is in particular on

  • the conversion of processes in the oil and gas industry
  • the transport, processing and storage of natural gas, biogas and hydrogen (sector coupling)
  • the mobility sector (hydrogen refueling)
  • the implementation of digital methods for geo-underground exploration and process optimization
  • the activity in planning offices, for example in the field of geothermal energy
  • the production of plant components, measurement and control technology.

In addition, the training in relevant non-technical subjects (such as law and economics) opens up good opportunities in licensing authorities or in preparation for professional self-employment.

What is special about the study program in Clausthal

The outstanding feature of the novel Geo-Energy Systems degree program is the application of classical engineering disciplines (such as. electrical, mechanical and process engineering) to processes in the geo-underground and the coupling of different sectors of the energy industry. A major focus is on the sustainable use of resources. The Institute of Subsurface Energy Systems ensures individual support with numerous opportunities to participate in current research and development work as well as interesting study-related activities and industrial internships through the extensive company network. In addition, students are prepared for an international professional environment by successively increasing the English language component.

Structure of the study

In the first two semesters, in addition to the classical subjects of engineering and natural sciences, introductory courses in geosciences are offered, in which practical knowledge is already imparted. Main topics include:

  • Holistic development of geothermal projects (geodynamics, heat transfer, drilling technology)
  • Gas storage and transport
  • Sector coupling with special reference to "power-to-gas" and geothermal energy
  • Simulation of processes in the geosubsoil
  • Digitalization in the field of drilling technology and production


The industrial internship offers students the opportunity to gain practical experience in an area that interests them before completing their studies and to establish initial contacts for a beginning network. This facilitates the transition from study to work.

Program advisors

Erik Feldmann, M.Sc.
Phone:+49 5323 72 3912
Fax: +49 5323 72 3146
Institute of Subsurface Energy Systems
Agricolastraße 10
Building C 21
38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld

Program supervisor

Prof. Dr. Philip Jaeger

Phone: +49 5323 72 3060
Fax: +49 5323 72 3146
Institute of Subsurface Energy Systems
Agricolastraße 10
38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld


Type: Bachelor's program
Duration: 6 semesters
Languages of instruction :German and English
Degree: Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
Admission requirements: university entrance qualification
Start of study: winter semester is recommended.

Study start

Orientation Studies (Steiger-College) Your best start into your studies with an extended study entry phase

Welcome-Week - TUCStart Orientation weeks before the start of studies with preliminary courses

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