Business Information Systems * (Master)

The study of business information systems looks at the design, development, and application of computer-based systems and technology for handling information and communication in support of business processes within companies and public bodies. Business information systems bridges the divide between the often very technical field of computer science and the more application-focused study of business administration. Its interdisciplinary nature is further enhanced by the inclusion of elements of ergonomics, psychology, sociology, and mathematics. [Definition taken from Gabler Wirtschaftlexikon]

Jobs and careers

The digitalization of our society could not be more topical, concerning everything from digital factories, to sustainable mobility, to digital aspects of the shift to greener energy. Experts in business information systems are essential when it comes to digitalization, combining as they do well-founded technical expertise (e.g. in programming, software technology, data analysis, artificial intelligence, human-machine interaction, and IT security) and equally well-founded knowledge of business-related repercussions and issuing surrounding the organizational incorporation of such technologies into overarching socioeconomic systems.

The challenges facing our society as processes and products are made subject to digital reforms translate into excellent long-term employment and development prospects for specialists in business information systems, whether in the private, public, or service sectors.

Possible fields

  • Design, development, and implementation of business-management and communications systems
  • Implementation, re-engineering, and optimization of business processes and organizational strategies
  • Refinement of new methods for developing information systems
  • Management roles within IT departments and other parts of enterprises, projects, or IT companies and consulting agencies

Why Clausthal?

Our degree in business information systems is notable for its strong focus on IT: Alongside a good grounding in the subject matter and methodology of business administration, you receive very solid training in the current key areas of computer science. It is this expertise that makes our graduates so sought-after on the job market. For students interested in continuing in academia, our research track is a variation of the degree program which includes a one-semester research project that can serve as preparation for doctorate studies. At TU Clausthal, you also enjoy the advantages of an outstanding student-teacher ratio, facilities within easy reach of one another, and direct contact to professors, as well as a low cost of living.

Program structure

The four-semester master’s program combines the three pillars of business information systems, namely computer science, business information systems in the strict sense, and business administration. Within these three fields, you can choose from a range of elective courses according to you own areas of interest. Your options include focusing on information systems engineering, operations research and management, or intelligent interactive information systems. Projects, a seminar and courses will further your knowledge and methodological expertise in preparation for your master’s thesis, future career, and/or doctorate degree.

  • Software engineering
  • Development and running of information systems
  • Modeling and simulation
  • Optimization
  • Project planning; project and knowledge management
  • Human-machine interaction and cooperation
  • Artificial intelligence, machine learning, and big data
  • Big data and analytics
  • Cyber-physical interconnected systems
  • Business-management systems, e.g. SAP ERP, Siemens Teamcenter

Part-time study

The Master's degree program in Business Information Systems can also be studied part-time. Further details on the requirements, structure and legal consequences of part-time studies are regulated by the"Regulations for Part-time Studies (TzO)" of Clausthal University of Technology in the currently valid version.

Before applying for and taking up part-time studies, it is obligatory to have a counseling interview with the responsible part-time study coordinator. During this consultation, the part-time study coordinator agrees on an individual study plan (learning agreement) for the part-time study in consultation with the student.

Part-time study coordinator:

Prof. Dr. Jörg Müller Phone: +49 5323 72-7141 Fax: +49 5323 72-7149 E-Mail: joerg.mueller@tu-clausthal.deInstitute of Computer Science Julius-Albert-Straße 4 38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld


Dr. Carsten Giesemann Phone: +49 5323 72-7121 Fax: +49 5323 72-7149 E-Mail: carsten.giesemann@tu-clausthal.deInstitute of Computer Science Julius-Albert-Straße 4 38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld The form to apply for part-time studies (incl. Learning Agreement) can be found here:

Program advisors and Program supervisor

Prof. Dr. Jörg Müller
Phone: +49 5323 72-7141
Fax: +49 5323 72-7149
Department of Informatics
Julius-Albert-Straße 4
38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld

Program outline

Type of program: Master
Duration: 4 Semester
Language of teaching: German
Degree: Master of Science (M.Sc.)
Start date: Admission to the winter semester, but also to the summer semester possible.
Akkreditierung: Bescheid des Akkreditierungsrates; EUR-Inf-Label

Study start

Welcome-Week - TUCStart Orientation weeks before the start of studies also for Master students


The prerequisite is a successful Bachelor's degree in a Bachelor's programme in Business Information Systems or an equivalent programme.