Technical Management (Master)

Decision-making in management often involves close interrelationships between business issues and matters of engineering. By specializing in a particular non-business subject, students on our master’s degree program in technical management develop the skills that straddle the corporate sphere and their chosen technical field. That very particular qualification enables Clausthal alumni to take management decisions based on sound technological expertise in their future careers.

Jobs and careers

With this internationally recognized master’s degree, our graduates have many areas of work open to them in domestic and international companies, or they could stay in academia and work in university facilities. The degree program is particularly aimed at students wishing to specialize in a subject within the field of engineering. It seeks to give them the wherewithal to make advantageous decisions in areas where business and technical issues overlap. With their degree from TU Clausthal, graduates can find their niche in the job market somewhere between a classic business manager and, depending on their specialization, an industrial mathematician or engineer. They are qualified to take managerial roles, particularly in companies with a strong technological focus.

Possible fields
  • Extractive industries and process engineering
  • The energy sector
  • Recycling
  • Insurance
  • The automobile industry
  • Business consultation

Why Clausthal?

What’s special about this master’s program is its combination of advanced management courses and individual technical specialization, with students able to choose from among five possible focuses: manufacturing, energy management, sustainability and life-cycle management, mineral-resources extraction, and modeling and simulation. These five focuses represent TU Clausthal’s key research areas and strengths, but they also initiate students into research questions being pursued in industry. A sixth focus, digital management, is in the preparation phase. The degree program is furthermore notable for the attentive support provided to students, the high quality of teaching, and its highly international nature

Program structure

The catalogue of eligible courses includes advanced management classes (project and resources management, international business management, market processes), interdisciplinary modules combining business and engineering (logistics and supply chain management, quality management), and a business-simulation game. Students can develop their individual profiles through electives, including seminars and a broad range of options in economics as well as business administration. They also choose a specialty from among our five technical focuses: manufacturing, energy management, sustainability and life-cycle management, mineral-resources extraction, or modeling and simulation.

The five technical focuses are as follows:
  • Manufacturing:
    • manufacturing engineering,
    • construction processes,
    • planning processes
  • Energy management:
    • the energy sector,
    • power engineering,
    • sustainability management
  • Sustainability and life-cycle management:
    • sustainable technologies,
    • the environment and recycling,
    • corporate ethics
  • Mineral-resources extraction:
    • extraction and processing of mineral resources
  • Modeling and simulation:
    • the modeling and simulation of systems

Program advisors and Program supervisor

Prof. Dr. Winfried Steiner
Phone: +49 5323 72-7650
Institute of Management and Economics
Julius-Albert-Straße 2
38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld


Program outline

Type of program: Master
Duration: 4 Semester
Language of teaching: German
Degree: Master of Science (M.Sc.)
Start date: Admission to the winter semester, but also to the summer semester possible.
Accreditation: Urkunde ASIIN

Study start

Welcome-Week - TUCStart Orientation weeks before the start of studies also for Master students


The admission requirement is a Bachelor's degree or an equivalent degree in business administration or a closely related field of study. The decision as to whether a previous course of study is suitable in terms of subject is made by the entrance examination board, which determines the type and scope of the relevant subject requirements in the form of minimum entry requirements and other necessary knowledge.