Info for sponsors

Dear ladies and gentlemen, dear friends of our university, dear alumni of Clausthal University of Technology,

Together with you, we would like to support particularly talented and committed people on their way to professional and social responsibility through a Deutschlandstipendium. With us, you have one of the most traditional technical universities on your side, which is characterized by a future-oriented and wide-ranging study program with a high practical relevance.

The Deutschlandstipendium is an award for talented and high-achieving students. It frees them up for their scientific education and gives them room for personal development and social commitment, thus helping the sponsored students to fully realize their potential.

But the scholarship providers also benefit: Through the Deutschlandstipendium, they can promote young talent and come into contact at an early stage with future specialists and managers who will receive an excellent education at Clausthal University of Technology. The Federal Ministry doubles every grant for the scholarship program.

More than 28,000 students nationwide benefited from a Deutschlandstipendium in 2019. Since the program was launched in 2011, companies, associations, foundations and private individuals have raised around 197 million euros.

You too can support the Deutschlandstipendium at Clausthal University of Technology and help to promote responsible and well-trained specialists and managers of tomorrow.

We look forward to a mutually beneficial cooperation.

Sponsors of the Deutschlandstipendium at the TU Clausthal

You are in good company. Here you will find a selection of our sponsors.


  • 1. why you should become a sponsor

    Sponsorship creates added value:

    • You actively support the academic education of young talents, open up new perspectives and promote their professional and personal development.
    • You actively assume social responsibility and invest in the bright minds of tomorrow.
    • Through networking, Clausthal University of Technology offers you the opportunity for further cooperation.
    • Your commitment and the networking of students, companies, private investors and sponsors will strengthen the Harz region and increase the attractiveness of the location and the economic power of the Harz region.
    • From your own study time and especially through your experience in professional, working and business life, you can pass on numerous experiences and valuable advice to the young students.
    • Alumni of the Clausthal University of Technology can demonstrate their attachment to their alma mater and strengthen the reputation of the Clausthal University of Technology by receiving a Deutschlandstipendium.

    Sponsorship pays off - especially for companies:

    • They get in touch with potential skilled workers, working students and interns and thus support the training of top employees in business, science & technology.
    • By networking science and business, Clausthal University of Technology offers you the opportunity for further cooperation.
    • You come into direct contact with promising young professionals and can raise the profile of your own company.
    • The students not only gain an important insight into your company and economic contexts, but can also give something back to you: you benefit from new ideas and perspectives, from the motivation of the young professionals and possibly integrate them early and successfully into your company.


    • receive a tax-deductible donation receipt for amounts over 200 euros.
    • receive an invitation to the ceremonial handover of the scholarships. Here, sponsors and scholarship recipients meet and get to know each other. At the same time, they come into contact with other scholarship donors and supporters from politics and business, as well as with our scientists and the presidium of the Clausthal University of Technology.
    • are listed on the homepage of the TU Clausthal with their consent.
  • Donations can be made by non-profit organizations, associations and foundations as well as companies or individuals such as alumni, emeriti or friends of Clausthal University of Technology.

    A sponsorship agreement clarifies the details and will be sent to you in advance without obligation.Here you specify whether you will award one or more scholarships or a scholarship over one or more years and how many students of Clausthal University of Technology you would like to support.

    A one-year scholar ship for a studentof the TU Clausthal amounts to 1,800 Euro for a sponsor. The federal government doubles the amount and adds another 1,800 euros. Conclusion: The scholarship holder thus receives 3,600 euros for the year. In Clausthal, this amount roughly corresponds to the annual rental costs of a student apartment or about 10 euros per day for a good meal.

    But even small amounts of 50 or 100 euros help. The donations are added up.

    You can choose from which of our three faculties the scholarship holder should come.

    A committee of the TU Clausthal selects suitable students in a transparent procedure. In awarding the Deutschlandstipendium at Clausthal University of Technology, a concept was developed for this purpose that understands the concept of achievement in a broad sense. In line with the principle that "achievement is multifaceted," the selection of scholarship recipients takes into account not only high academic achievement (60%), but also social commitment (20%) and social criteria (20%).

    Andrea Langhorst (Tel.: 05323/ 72-2260) or Prof. Gunther Brenner (Tel.: 05323/ 72-2515) will be happy to answer your questions or suggestions personally or via our contact form.


    Here you will find the TU Clausthal account details for your donations:

    Account holder:

    Clausthal University of Technology


    Sparkasse Hildesheim-Goslar-Peine


    DE85 2595 0130 0000 0004 22


    Germany Scholarship KS 80030460

  • Donations can be made to the Deutschlandstipendium at Clausthal University of Technologythroughout the year. The donations are added up until September of each year.

    The funding amount for the scholarships of the respective academic year (e.g. winter semester 2021/2022 and summer semester 2022) should be transferred to the specified account of the TU Clausthal (Clausthal University of Technology, Sparkasse Hildesheim-Goslar-Peine, DE85 2595 0130 0000 0004 22, Deutschlandstipendium KS 80030460) by the end of August of each year and small amounts by September 30 of each year at the latest.

    The scholarship holders are then selected.

    At theend of November each year, the ceremonial presentation of the scholarship certificates takes place. Scholarship holders and sponsors have the opportunity to get to know each other and to meet representatives of the university and the executive board.

Your contact at the TU Clausthal for sponsors and scholarship providers:

Andrea Langhorst, M.A., Head of Alumni Management, Clausthal University of Technology, Adolph-Roemer-Str. 2a, D-38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Phone: +49 5323 72-2160, Fax: +49 5323 72-5555, E-mail:,

Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Gunther Brenner, Vice President for Academic Affairs, Clausthal University of Technology, Adolph-Roemer-Strasse 2A, 38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Phone +49 5323 72-3902, -3909, -2515, Fax +49 5323 72 3311, E-Mail:

Further information

Further information can also be found on the website of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.


The Federal Ministry of Education and Research answers frequently asked questions on its website.