Overview of TU Clausthal

Clausthal University of Technology

Clausthal University of Technology was founded in 1775 as "Clausthaler Montanistische Lehrstätte". Since 1968 it is a university of technology. In addition to the subjects arised from mining industry in the field of energy and raw materials, it offers courses in the fields of mechanical engineering, process engineering, mathematics, computer science, natural sciences and materials science as well as economics.

University staff

  • Students: about 3500
  • Professorships: approx. 85
  • Total university employees: over 1,100
  • Training places: 101

3 Faculties with 33 institutes

Clausthal University of Technology consists of 33 institutes, with technical and scientific topics. The institutes are divided into 3 faculties:

Research centers

At Clausthal University of Technology the research is increasingly organized in modern, cross-institute centers. Currently, TU Clausthal is home of three interdisciplinary research centers:


Since many years Clausthal University of Technology is one of the most international universities in Germany. This is on the one hand due to the high share of foreigners students of one-third and on the other due to the international composition of academic researchers. Globalization is not only taught, but also lived on the campus, in the lecture halls and laboratories, in the student dormitories, as well as in joint celebrations and events.