Information on data privacy in the application process

Information about data protection in the application process

Please note that only the German text is binding.

The protection of your personal data within the framework of the application process is of particular concern to Clausthal University of Technology (TUC). Clausthal University of Technology, address: Postfach 12 53, 38670 Clausthal-Zellerfeld, is responsible for data protection. When you apply for an advertised position in paper form or via email, the following regulations apply to the handling of your personal data:

1. Collecting and processing personal data

The following data will be collected within the framework of the application process:

  • Personal information (First and surname; date of birth; address; secondary education; if applicable, severe disability)
  • Contact information (telephone number, cell phone number, fax number, email address)
  • Educational background (schooling, vocational training, academic degree, doctorate, habilitation)
  • Work experience (previous professional career, training certificates and employer references)
  • Additional qualifications (for example, language proficiency and PC skills)
  • If applicable, application picture

2. Use and disclosure of personal data

The personal data provided by you will be used solely for processing your application for the advertised position. Only persons involved in the application process will be given your data. These persons are sworn to secrecy. No data will be given to third parties.


3. Storing and deleting data

After the process has concluded (submission of rejection letter), your personal data will be destroyed, or deleted, after six months according to data protection regulations. Should you be hired, the information listed under ‘1: Collecting and processing personal data’ will be filed in the personnel file.


4. Data security

Clausthal University of Technology meets all the necessary security measures to protect the personal data that was provided in the application process from loss and misuse. The data is saved in a secure operating environment. All correspondence and sensitive information between the university and the applicants will be sent encrypted. 


5. Right to access and withdrawal

You have the right to request information from Clausthal University of Technology concerning:

  • saved data provided by you
  • its origin
  • recipients or categories of recipients to whom your data might be disclosed
  • as well as the purpose of the storage

You can revoke the use of your data for the aforementioned purposes at any time effective for the future, thereby terminating the application process.

Please address all requests for information and revocations to:

Technische Universität Clausthal
- Der Datenschutzbeauftragte -
Adolph-Roemer-Straße 2A
D-38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld
Telephone: +49 5251 877 888-325


The regulatory authority is the state representative for data protection (

6. Legal basis for collecting and processing personal data in the application process

The legal basis for collecting and processing personal data in the application process is under Art. 6 and 88 of the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) in conjunction with §§ 26 BDSG (Bundesdatenschutzgesetz), 10 NDSG (Niedersächsisches Datenschutzgesetz) and 88 NBG (Niedersächsisches Beamtengesetz).