Executive Vice President

Dipl.-Kff. Irene Strebl

Phone: +49 5323 72-3015 E-mail: vizepraesidentin.v@tu-clausthal.de

Areas of responsibility

  • Budget Officer
  • Budget and Finances (Dec 1)
  • Personnel (Dec 3), Coordination of Appeal Matters
  • Real Estate (Dec 4)
  • Legal Office / Legal Affairs
  • Controlling
  • Internal Audit
  • Chief Electoral Officer
  • Internal Continuing Education and Event Management
  • Human Resources Development (non-scientific personnel)
  • Occupational Safety and Environmental Protection
  • Occupational Health Service
  • Strategic Planning in Administration
  • Quality Management for the Business Unit

Professional career

Before Irene Strebl joined Clausthal University of Technology as full-time Vice President on 1 July 2019, she worked for the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture in Kiel. Before that, she was managing director in the social economy as well as chancellor of the present Lübeck University of Technology. She held leading positions at various Helmholtz Centres, including the Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research in Braunschweig. Prior to this, she had worked in business for several years and graduated with a degree in business administration, majoring in service management and marketing, from the Open University of Hagen.